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Russell McVeagh

  • 100 - 500 employees

Russell McVeagh Reviews

Based on 8 surveyed graduates working at Russell McVeagh. Read on to get an insider’s view on life as a graduate.
Based on 8 reviews

Pros & Cons

  • Everyone is so warm and welcoming, got straight into work, treated with respect, the graduate cohort is fun, lots of trainings, HR is very supportive.
  • The calibre of clients and the opportunities. I have been thrown in the deep end (but in the best possible way), and within weeks I was directly in touch with clients - I gained independence very quickly. I also love the culture here, the team environment is so welcoming and fun, but balanced with really hard work.
  • The calibre of clients and the opportunities. I have been thrown in the deep end (but in the best possible way), and within weeks I was directly in touch with clients - I gained independence very quickly. I also love the culture here, the team environment is so welcoming and fun, but balanced with really hard work.
  • Leadership have taken significant steps towards making flexibility a part of our work culture, and there's a big focus on making sure people feel happy and supported while at work.
  • Don't think there is a worst thing
  • Working at a top law firm can occasionally mean long hours that can be mentally and physically tiring, but this comes in waves and support is always offered when this is required.
  • While I haven't experienced this myself, I presume there will be long hours involved when I have more experience.
  • The lack of oversight over workload and scheduling. Difficult to know when will be busy.

What Insiders Say

Career Prospects
Career Prospects
It's been made pretty clear what the framework is for progression and what successful work looks like. I haven't had any personal experience with promotions yet so can't comment further
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
I have worked with the sustainability committee which has championed a number of cool initiatives like a keep cup free coffee day and e-bike regime. There is also a lot of pro bono work done in the firm.
The culture has been great. Plenty to get involved in and my team especially has many opportunities each week to build relationships such as at training or daily quiz.
Several committees set up to cater to a diverse range of groups and interests. While the overall diversity at the firm isn't where I would like to see it, I understand my workplace is striving to improve in this regard. I know there is a committee that focuses on bringing more socio-economic diversity to our firm, but I think it can be challenging due to people from less privileged backgrounds being less likely to hold an LLB.
In a graduate role, responsible for drafting legal submissions, Court documents and other applications, case law research, responding to client emails, reviewing documents, drafting updates on new policy and providing support with any other tasks.
My managers have been very good mentors. They aren't always very accessible because they're often very busy, but when I need to raise something, they are always responsive and keen to help. I receive recognition for my work when it gets passed on.
Office Work Environment
Office Work Environment
Dress for your day! Modest, obviously, but relatively relaxed. Casual Fridays too. The office space is amazing, I absolutely love being at work. Location is great in the city, close to public transport/main streets.
Genuinely enjoyable and fun. I felt so welcome in my interview, it was very relaxed which allowed me to be myself. I viewed the assessments as games, so I didn't overthink them, and that was the best approach in my opinion! I was asked about my interests, previous experience, why I would like to work there, how I would cope in different situations. Show up as your genuine self. I felt that the interviewers were mostly interested who I was as a person and how I engaged with them during the interview. Think about how your life experiences so far have shaped you as a person and how you will bring those to this job.
I think paid well for a starting position. Monthly phone plan reimbursement, free Ubers and meals for working late, fortnightly drinks, team coffees / dinners.
I believe our firm has the most comprehensive graduate induction programme on offer with one dedicated week, followed by a 1-year graduate development program with monthly trainings.
Work Hours
Work Hours
My team is flexible - as long as there is no specific need to be in the office in person we are allowed to work from home whenever we want (as long as it isn't more often than not).
We have a great sustainability committee that is always running new initiatives to reduce our firm's environmental footprint.