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Monash Law Students' Society Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
During my time as a paralegal and clerk, I worked with some great people and really liked the culture of the firm, so at the end of the process, I knew this was the firm I wanted to work at. 

Amaryllis Tian

  • Graduate stories
The coolest parts of my job are the chances to learn and interact with such a diverse group of clients and colleagues.

Ammellia Fu

  • Day in the life

Andrew Banks

Andrew Banks studied a Bachelor of Arts with a Bachelor of Laws at Macquarie University and is now working as a Lawyer - Pro Bono & Community at Hall & Wilcox.
  • Career Mentors
Andrew Stewart heads the Australian Media & Content Group and serves as member of the Global Media Steering Committee.

Andrew Stewart

  • Graduate stories
It was (and continues to be) astounding to be surrounded by a diverse range of seriously good people across all different levels throughout the entire Firm, many of whom I’ve now formed really close friendships with.

Andrew Vesperman

  • Day in the life

Angelina Yurlova

Angelina Yurlova studied Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts and is a Lawyer at Corrs Chambers Westgarth.
  • Day in the life

Angelo Delos Trino

Working style is to allow the juniors to have a first crack at finance documents and then sit with them and provide direct feedback. I find it valuable to be able to do a page-turn and immediately ask and pick the brain of a seasoned finance lawyer then and there.
  • Day in the life

Anh-Tuan Nguyen

The project we are working on will allow for the future expansion of supermarkets in Australia and is the first of many projects to be rolled out across the country.